No matter what reason you may have, whether you suffer from back pain or yearn for an hour of relaxation just for yourself, get a massage in Tropical Garden. Just drop in next door to Anke and we promise you that she will make you feel like born again.
Anke specializes mainly in the traditional Swedish massage technique to relieve blockages in the back and stiff muscles, regenerate overstrained muscles of upper and lower limbs, positively affect the whole locomotor system, supply the whole organism with blood and, last but not least, to provide fabulous relaxation. Highly recommended!
If you are more attracted to the local Ayurveda massage, which aims at purification and regeneration by means of special oils and herbs, try one of the local massage parlours directly in Tangalle. You can also enjoy the luxury ayurvedic treatment in Eva Lanka Hotel.
Phone: +420 739 333 730
Tropical Garden
Medilla Beach, Tangalle