
Make a Trip to Tangalle Lagoon

Rent a kayak or catamaran and make a trip to Tangalle lagoon which starts a couple of meters behind the fence of Tropical Garden.

Flocks of birds flying back to their nests during the sunset, monitor lizards swimming in the water, monkeys larking around trees – you can watch all this while cruising through the ubiquitous mangrove forests. Along the road to the town are rental stores where a trip can be booked. Another option is to go twenty minutes by tuk tuk and visit the Kalametiya bird sanctuary. Again, trips by boats can be booked there. The best time to watch birds is early morning or late afternoon. The number and diversity of birds is amazing.


E-mail: info@tropicalgarden.cz

Phone: +420 739 333 730


Tropical Garden

Medilla Beach, Tangalle